Call for Papers

EMOOCs 2023 will be held at Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering, Potsdam, Germany. Limited participation will also be possible online.

The After-COVID-Effect for Digital Education

The pandemic that so strongly defined our lives in recent years is fortunately over. At least we have learned to live with it. We have learned once again how important digital education is. How well-prepared a country was could be seen in our schools, universities, and companies. In different countries, the problems manifested themselves differently. The measures and approaches to solving the problems varied accordingly. Digital education, whether micro-credentials, MOOCs, blended learning formats, or other e-learning tools, received a major boost. EMOOCs 2023 will focus on the effects of this emergency situation. How has it affected the development and delivery of MOOCs and other e-learning offerings all over Europe? Which projects can serve as models for successful digital learning and teaching? Which roles can MOOCs and micro-credentials bear in the current business transformation? Do we return to the routine we knew from pre-Corona times? Or have many things become established in the meantime, e.g. remote work, hybrid conferences, etc.?

Are Full Online Universities becoming Reality?

Furthermore, EMOOCs 2023 will have a closer look at the development and formalization of digital learning. Micro-credentials are just the starting point. Further steps in this direction would be complete online study programs or full online universities.

MOOC Networks & Cooperations

Last, but not least, we will turn our attention to the networking of learning offers and the standardization of formats and metadata. Examples of these fruitful cooperations are MOOChub, European MOOC Consortium, and Common Micro-Credential Framework.

Have a look at the five different conference tracks and decide where your submission fits best:

We are looking forward to learning about the latest developments, sharing insights, and getting up-to-date with exciting educational technology.

Poster Session

All authors who are accepted have the possibility to present their research additionally in a poster session on June 14, 2023.

Requirements for the poster:

  • No special template
  • Format: DIN A1 or DIN A0
  • Please include the EMOOCs logo which you can download here: